
About this website

This website is purely intented to be an informational site. The aim is to make the most comprehensive and complete list of known variations within the same reel variety.
On top of that, the most detailed list of single reels between the number 4 and 6500-X is now on-line.

To start with: the definitions I use for typing a reel.
Style : I use the word style for example for a blue-ring reel style or a hand-lettered white reel style.
Variety : the different types of printing. For example variety 24 or 28. The term variety was first used by Roger Nazeley in his book: View-Master Single Reels, Volume I. Since Roger is considered the founder of reel typing I use his terminology.
Variation : a different picture or scene description within the same style, variety and copyright year of a reel. So there are a lot of known 'variations' that are not listed here. Variations on scenes and scene titles between different reel styles and/or varieties are not a variation by this definitions and thus are not listed.

If you are aware of the existence of other variations within the same reel variety, please let me know. If you can send me enough information about the variation and maybe even pictures of the different scenes, probably the variation will make it into the list. But only those variations that are found between single reels. No Packet reels are listed.

Last update : 11-09-2024

View-Master® Single Reel Variations